Site: 7 World Trade Center, New York
March 6, 2006–
Text: “The World Trade Center” by David Lehman, © 1993 by the author, from Poems of New York, 2002. Used with permission of the author.
Photo: Andreas Keller

Site: 7 World Trade Center, New York
March 6, 2006–
Text: Travels through Canada, and the United States of North America, in the Years 1806, 1807, & 1808, vol. 2, by John Lambert, 1813.
Photo: Lili Holzer-Glier

Site: 7 World Trade Center, New York
March 6, 2006–
Text: “The World Trade Center” by David Lehman, © 1993 by the author, from Poems of New York, 2002. Used with permission of the author.
Photo: Andreas Keller

Site: 7 World Trade Center, New York
March 6, 2006–
Text: “Hudson Ferry” from Collected Poems, by James Schuyler, 2002, © 1969 by the author. Used with permission of Farrar, Straus and Giroux, LLC.
Photo: Andreas Keller

Site: 7 World Trade Center, New York
March 6, 2006–
Text: Here Is New York by E. B. White, © 1949, 1976 by the author. Used with permission of Martha, Steve, and John White.
Photo: Andreas Keller

Site: 7 World Trade Center, New York
March 6, 2006–
Text: Here Is New York by E. B. White, © 1949, 1976 by the author. Used with permission of Martha, Steve, and John White.
Photo: Andreas Keller

Site: 7 World Trade Center, New York
March 6, 2006–
Text: Here Is New York by E. B. White, © 1949, 1976 by the author. Used with permission of Martha, Steve, and John White.
Photo: Andreas Keller

Site: 7 World Trade Center, New York
March 6, 2006–
Text: “The Fairy Catastrophe” from When the Cathedrals Were White by Le Corbusier, 1936, © 2005 by Fondation Le Corbusier. Used with permission of Fondation Le Corbusier.
Photo: Thomas Miller